Wednesday, May 4, 2011

[Association] The Nostrade Family

Nostrade Family

The Nostrade Family is the Mafia family that main character Kurapika joins in order to find information concerning his people's stolen Scarlet Eyes. It is headed by Light Nostrade (Raito Nosutorādo?), and according to its head bodyguard Dalzollene, is subordinate to the Ritz Family. The Nostrade Family was originally a minor provincial Mafia family of little importance, but by shrewdly using the fortune telling ability of his daughter Neon, Light Nostrade managed to greatly increase his position in the Mafia Community, to the point where even the Ten Dons seek his daughter's advice.

Before entering the Underground Auction several bodyguards to protect Neon are hired, including Kurapika, by Dalzollene. After the Phantom Troupe attack on the Underground Auction, several of the bodyguards are killed, including Dalzollene, which forces Kurapika to become the lead bodyguard. The discovery of Baise (ヴェーゼ Veize?)'s earring, one of the Nostrade bodyguards, is what helps Kurapika figure out what happened and finding the Phantom Troupe.

Light Nostrade
1) Light Nostrade 

Light Nostrade (Raito Nosutorādo?) is the leader of the Nostrade Family. He is Neon's father. He hopes to use the ability of his daughter, the prediction of the future, to make his way up in mafia community.

2) Neon Nostrade

Information Review - Neon Nostrade
Neon Nostrade (ネオン ノストラード Neon Nosutorādo?) is the only daughter of the head of the Nostrade family, Light Nostrade. Neon appears in the story when Kurapika interviews for a position among her bodyguards. Neon is spoiled; she receives everything she demands by threatening to cease the use of her ability for her father's benefit. Neon is also very involved with the occult and is an avid collector of rare human flesh, such as the Scarlet Eyes of the Kurta Clan. Neon Nostrade is voiced by Yuko Maekawa.

Neon cares very little about anything else other than her collection; even the death of her head bodyguard, Dalzollene, caused her no grief. However when Eliza, a family attendant, is heartbroken, Neon agrees to leave Yorknew City, despite not having obtained the auction items she desired. She loses her ability to Chrollo.

Nen Ability: Lovely Ghostwriter: Angelic Auto Writing (ラブリーゴーストライター 「天使の自動筆記」)

Lovely Ghostwriter
Neon's nen ability is the power to accurately foretell a person's future in poetic verse. To do this, she needs one's name or nickname, their full date of birth, and their blood type written down on the piece of paper the fortune is to be written on. If the person is not present while she is using her Lovely Ghostwriter, a photo of the person's face is also needed. Neon goes under a trance-like state so she does not remember what she writes (similar to Shalnark's "autopilot mode"), as the ghost that appears manipulates her arm to write automatically when she summons it. She is also unable to predict her own future.

Neon's predictions take the form of a poem with four or five stanzas of four lines each. Each verse represents a week of the current month, and typically events referenced in the poem are present as metaphors. If an undesirable event is predicted, the poem also includes advice on how to avoid the event.

During the events of the Yorknew story arc, Neon's ability was stolen by Chrollo Lucilfer.

Information Review
3) Dalzollene

Dalzollene (ダルツォルネ Darutsorune?) is a leader of Neon Nostrade's bodyguards and Kurapika's direct superior. His weapon is a katana inscribed with runes that increase its power when infused Nen. In the anime, he manages to pierce Uvogin by 5 millimeters with the katana. He appears to enjoy music and is dedicated to his job. He also was not hesitant to sacrifice three of Neon's bodyguards when he predicted Troupe activity at the Yorknew Underground Auction. He had developed his Ten so that he could defend himself from ten bullets. He is later killed by Phinks, as the Phantom Troupe infiltrate a Nostrade compound in order to rescue a captured Uvogin. Dalzollene is voiced by Hiromi Sugino.

Information Review - Squala
4) Squala

Squala (スクワラ Sukuwara?) is one of Neon Nostrade's bodyguards. During the job interview for new hires, he was one of the two moles planted alongside the applicants in order to test their strength. Although Squala has been one of Neon's bodyguards for many years, he does not have a Hunters License. He is also in a romantic relationship with Eliza, one of Neon's female attendants. Squala is later beheaded by Nobunaga. Squala is voiced by Norihisa Mori.

Information Review - Basho
5) Basho

Basho (バショウ Bashō?) is one of Neon Nostrade's new bodyguards, hired along with Kurapika. When he was first introduced he was quick to underestimate Kurapika, but after Kurapika's display of his 'Dowsing Chain', he grew respect for him. His nen ability is called "Great Haiku: The Wandering Haiku Poet," wherein Basho writes a haiku describing a condition on a piece of paper, which then comes true.

Information Review - Senritsu
6) Melody

Melody (センリツ Senritsu?) is a Music Hunter and is the kind and understanding member of Neon's bodyguards. She is always ready to listen to anyone's confessions and has the gift to make people open up to her. As Leorio notes, she is one of the very few characters who has made Kurapika open up to her. Melody's physical appearance is in short contrast to her kind soul. Due to effects of the "Sonata of Darkness", a musical piece said to have been written by Satan himself, her body is a short and her face disfigured. However, she was not always like this; she was once a normal person. She was transformed when she and a friend listened to the Sonata of Darkness. It is composed of four parts: piano, violin, flute, and harp, and it is said that whomever listens to it will be greatly cursed. One night, Melody and her friend were drunk, and her friend played the Sonata. Its power was so great, that upon listening only to the first movement of the flute solo, Melody was disfigured, especially in her arm. Her friend was not so lucky; his entire body was disfigured like Melody's arm and soon perished after playing it. In exchange, her musical nen abilities were increased. Melody's goal is to find the sonata and destroy it. Melody has the ability to emit her aura to people to soothe ease fatigue when she plays an instrument. She also has a very sharp sense of hearing and can tell a person's psychological state just by listening to their heartbeat. For example, she knows when people are lying or when someone has completely lost his/her temper. Melody is voiced by Tarako Isono.

Information Review - Vezze
7) Vezze

One of the earliest members to be killed by Phantom Troupe. She has a special nen ability "Instant Lovers" in Manipulation Nen type which by kissing a person, this person will become her slave and do anything for her. She used it on Sukuwara during the bodyguard recruitment test. During the first underground auction in Yorkshin she was one of the three bodyguards sent to buy what Neon wanted in the auction, but everyone was murdered by the Phantom Troupe that night. She was killed by Shizuku.

Information Review - Saccimonno
8) Saccimonno

One of the older members of the bodyguards, he was sent to spy on and test Kurapika and the rest of the new people to see if they were worthy of being bodyguards. But of course his trick was soon discovered by Kurapika. Saccimonno was killed in the first auction of York Shin by the Phantom Troupe.

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