Hello everyone, I’m Pim. I’m one of the big fans of HunterxHunter or HxH. I love this anime so much and still so crazy about it until now (for 10 yesrs) although it had no any updated news for a long time. TwT
I have DVD of this anime and see them repeatedly. It is very nice story and makes me feel exciting every time I had seen. I never bored to see them again and again. ><
In conclusion, I love this anime “HunterxHunter”. And now I am studying in E-Commerce Course ITS424 and have a homework to do a blog, so, I decide to do a fan site for this series as "HunterxHunter Fansite" at Blogger.com.
As you can see, this blog will cover all about HunterxHunter. I will collect some information from other websites and reference in each entry that I bring in.
Thank you all for take care of.
P.S. You can barter Link Banner with me by leave some comments to tell me in any posts . ^___^
My Banner :

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<a href="http://hunterxhunterfansite.blogspot.com/" target="_blank" title="HunterxHunter Fansite [Blogger]"><img src="http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/5291/hxhban012.jpg" border="0" alt="" width="200" height="40" /></a><br />
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